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Why Cleanse?

Why Cleanse?
The human body has not changed very much in the last several thousand years.  With that said, it is also undeniable that the foods we eat have changed dramatically!  Genetically modified organisms, food coloring, artificial ingredients, refined sugars, antibiotic-treated meats…The list of toxins goes on and on!  The air we breathe and the water […]

By |April 8th, 2014|Detox, Diet, Health, Services|0 Comments

To Get or Not To Get – FLU SHOTS

You have no doubt heard the debate over flu shots. At Complete Wellness System, we believe in natural health. We feel that when the body is in a state of optimal health (homeostasis), it is fully able to ward off illness and disease. However, most people are not in that state, and so do they […]

By |November 13th, 2013|Diet, Health|0 Comments

Acid-Base Nutrition Basics

When a food is ingested, digested, and absorbed, each component of that food will present itself to the kidneys as either an acid-forming compound or a base-forming one. And when the sum total of all the acid producing and the base producing micro and macronutrients is tabulated (at the end of a meal or at […]

By |October 18th, 2013|Diet|0 Comments
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